Summary:The Multifunctional Pole is a versatile structure that can accommodate a number of different applications on one single pole. This innovativ...
The Multifunctional Pole is a versatile structure that can accommodate a number of different applications on one single pole. This innovative design is patent pending and is made from marine grade aluminium for strength, durability, and easy recycling. Here are the advantages of multifunctional poles. Read on to learn more. We hope this article has been helpful. You might also be interested in a similar product. However, if you are considering purchasing this multifunctional pole, here are a few things to keep in mind.
First, let's look at the main components of a Multifunctional Pole. The structure of the Multifunctional Pole is as shown in Figures 1 and 2. It consists of an adjustable support leg, a portal frame, two poles, and a jack. The extension type has two parts, a standing part and a telescopic section. The extension type has a lower center of gravity than the other part.
Multifunctional Pole - Innovative Way to Promote Area
The multifunctional pole is an innovative way to promote. This pole is composed of several elements, including lighting, sound, and interactive features. The base elements are made of marine-grade aluminum and can be customized with various window designs. Lighting elements include LED spots of various colours ranging from 3000K to 6,000K and RGBW - DMX controlled. The pole also features several integrated speakers for audio and video purposes.
The pole is future-proof and can accommodate a variety of accessories. The track system allows for the movement of different accessories along the entire length of the pole. Multifunctional pole also offers a wide range of track mounting kits and arms to accommodate various types of accessories. The track system can be customized according to the customer's requirements. Moreover, the pole is designed to meet AS/NZS 1170.2:20 Structural design actions.
The multifunctional pole system is the most adaptable solution to many lighting applications. It provides flexibility in equipment mounting without sacrificing the architectural style. It can be adapted to accommodate CCTV cameras, banners, and IoT applications. And it is available in various sizes, with a wide spacing between each element. For a customized multifunctional lighting solution, consider using this pole system. You'll be able to achieve all P and V categories with wide spacing.